An Analysis of “Sustainable Mobility” Research: From a Planning Perspective


  • Gonca Nurgul Akgul Yildiz Technical University



mobility, sustainability, climate change, ecological planning, greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency, sustainable lifestyles


Factors such as housing, mobility, and recreation all cause environmental pressures. Lifestyles and consumption patterns play an important role here. When examining energy use rates, transportation is a key area. As one of the pillars of sustainable development, urban mobility is at the center of climate change debates, crucial to meeting targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and for quality of life. This paper aims to understand how this issue is handled within the academic literature and to reveal the research areas and geographies which deal with this issue. A combination set of keywords has been used as the basis for the literature review. The methodology applied is based on the Web of Science database, referencing the most recognized and trustworthy indices in academic areas such as the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The study focuses on (a) research area, (b) publication year, (c) geography of study, and (d) citation count in order to analyze the current situation of mobility research in the academic literature. The results are centered on the research fields of environmental science and technology, transportation, business economics, engineering and geography. Considering the significant role of urban planning and public administration on environmental implications of mobility, these research areas make up a small proportion of available research as a result of our literature review within these intersected keywords and it should be noted that individual consumption habits have great emphasis on twenty-first century’s dominated debates.

Author Biography

Gonca Nurgul Akgul, Yildiz Technical University

Graduated from Yildiz Technical University, department of City and Regional Planning. 

Currently graduate student at Yildiz Technical University, programme of Urban Conservation and Planning 

Working on a EU project called "Community data loops for energy efficient urban lifestyles" at Yildiz Technical University, department of City and Regional Planning




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How to Cite

Akgul, G. N. (2018). An Analysis of “Sustainable Mobility” Research: From a Planning Perspective. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Sustainability, 1(1).